TheraBite Range of Motion Scale

Used to monitor the progress of rehabilitation

TheraBite Range of Motion Scale monitor the progress of rehabilitation

TheraBite Range of Motion Scale is used to monitor the progress of the rehabilitation program. An area to record your progress is printed on the reverse side of the scale.

A typical patient will gain 1-4 mm of jaw opening ability in the first session; however, this gain is likely to be lost within the next few hours. Long-lasting benefits can only be achieved by repeating the exercises several times per day.

Numerous clinical studies have demonstrated the benefits of the TheraBite system. The system is designed to accomplish two treatment objectives; Increasing the range of motion of the jaw and pain reduction.

"The experience with TheraBite is very good, especially because the patients can exercise at their own pace.” -  Clinician Feedback

What is Trismus?

The lower jaw incorporates important muscles, joints, and teeth vital for chewing, speaking, swallowing, and making facial expressions. Reduced ability to open the mouth or pain when opening the mouth may be a sign of Trismus. Trismus is a serious yet frequently overlooked condition that may appear at any age and can progress slowly. Early detection and rehabilitation can help patients counter this restrictive condition and prevent sometimes costly complications which may compromise a patient’s quality of life and health.

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